Build a culture within Oceana County focused on post-secondary education awareness, access, and attainment as a means to build and sustain a vibrant local economy and help alleviate poverty.
Collaborate to ensure an educated and trained workforce to meet local employer needs by lowering systematic barriers that prevent students from entering colleges and technical programs.
Coordinating college access and mentoring services to students, particularly those who come from low-income and/or first-generation college-going families.
Oceana CAN! partners will work to prepare Oceana students to:
Have aspirations to be “college & career ready”, academically prepared, and financially equipped to pursue post-secondary education/training after high school
Increase the amount of Oceana residents with a degree or high-quality credential to 60% by 2025
Enroll in college or post-secondary credentialing program within 6 months of high school graduation; Complete a program within 6 years after graduation.
Utilize degree/credential to achieve appropriate employment to increase family assets
College is all post-secondary education including certificate programs, trade schools, community colleges and 4 year colleges and universities. Learn More